Saturday, 13 October 2007

Department Meeting (Mon 15 October)

  1. Coursework for year 10 and 11
    1. Questions

i. What skills to be tested?

ii. Exemplar material?

iii. Give more than one opportunity

iv. Options

1. Staff pick experiments from modules > do

2. Identify suitable experiments from modules > everyone does the same

    1. Timescales

i. All Coursework

1. Aim to complete by February half term.

ii. yr 11 redoing year 10 coursework

1. Wb 29 October > hand back coursework

2. end of that week each resit either resubmit or new title and start again.

3. Wb 5th Nov > sessions organised

4. Wb 3rd Dec > Cousework done

  1. H&S
  2. Afl
  3. Sharing good practice
  4. Blog
  5. Coming up
    1. Mock SAT paper for exam (5th Nov)
    2. Year 7 > Test and regroup > what next?
  6. GATE > any comments
  7. SEF
  8. Next meeting Monday 5th November.
    1. Coursework catch up sessions
    2. Any extra items?