- Coursework for year 10 and 11
- Questions
i. What skills to be tested?
ii. Exemplar material?
iii. Give more than one opportunity
iv. Options
1. Staff pick experiments from modules > do
2. Identify suitable experiments from modules > everyone does the same
- Timescales
i. All Coursework
1. Aim to complete by February half term.
ii. yr 11 redoing year 10 coursework
1. Wb 29 October > hand back coursework
2. end of that week each resit either resubmit or new title and start again.
3. Wb 5th Nov > sessions organised
4. Wb 3rd Dec > Cousework done
- H&S
- Afl
- Sharing good practice
- Blog
- Coming up
- Mock SAT paper for exam (5th Nov)
- Year 7 > Test and regroup > what next?
- GATE > any comments
- Next meeting Monday 5th November.
- Coursework catch up sessions
- Any extra items?