Wednesday, 31 October 2007

New resources on the intranet

Please let me know if you want me to add any resources to the intranet. (You can also add them yourself)

Monday, 29 October 2007

Test base 2007/8 has arrived

You can download it from and use the code I have given you or collect the CD from me and sign your name on the white board if you have borrowed it.

21st Century June 2007 Grade boundaries (2)

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Saturday, 13 October 2007

School intranet keeps changing.

Look on the science area

RESOURCES departmental > all the deal sheets etc
TRACKING students > current data and set lists
SOW > some sow with all the resources

Investigations in Core Science

Here are some pdf links
Twenty First Century Science Suite Teacher Support
and amendments
Marking Criteria for Case Studies (A219)

21s C specification.

Core Science specification (pdf)
Additional Science specification (pdf)

Department Meeting (Mon 15 October)

  1. Coursework for year 10 and 11
    1. Questions

i. What skills to be tested?

ii. Exemplar material?

iii. Give more than one opportunity

iv. Options

1. Staff pick experiments from modules > do

2. Identify suitable experiments from modules > everyone does the same

    1. Timescales

i. All Coursework

1. Aim to complete by February half term.

ii. yr 11 redoing year 10 coursework

1. Wb 29 October > hand back coursework

2. end of that week each resit either resubmit or new title and start again.

3. Wb 5th Nov > sessions organised

4. Wb 3rd Dec > Cousework done

  1. H&S
  2. Afl
  3. Sharing good practice
  4. Blog
  5. Coming up
    1. Mock SAT paper for exam (5th Nov)
    2. Year 7 > Test and regroup > what next?
  6. GATE > any comments
  7. SEF
  8. Next meeting Monday 5th November.
    1. Coursework catch up sessions
    2. Any extra items?

Formative assesment video from Teachers TV

some formative assesment sites

Teaching and learning in the classroom (Dept SEF)


marking rotation

Note week 3 MorE should be replaced by self or peer assesment

Marking policy

A section of the Ofsted lesson criteria

School SEF

  • Science is improving (70% level 5+) but level 6+ could be higher (25%)
  • Science has the 6+ project to deal with this.
  • The use of peer and self-assessment is developing.
  • Department SEFs are being developed.
  • Target setting in order to raise achievement has been introduced.

Schools 3 priorities 2007/8

  • AfL focus on WILFs. Skills, knowledge and understanding; refer back to WILFs in the lesson, use plenaries to asses progress, plan to challenge.
  • Formative Marking. Give next steps; plan time for student responses; use marking to give praise encouragement and rewards.
  • Student Engagement. Use open questioning; use peer and self assessment; use data to raise expectations; encourage independent learning.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Thanks for your resit information.

This has now been forwarded to Ros who needs to send it to the exam board before half term.

The Science department welcome OFSTED

Next Tuesday and Thursday we welcome OFSTED

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Exam information needed.

I have put exam sheets in all your pigeon holes which I need back by Thursday. See notice board in middle prep room for more details. Thanks

Year 11 mock exams 2007

Monday, 8 October 2007

year 11 resits from yr 10 exams needed

Please give me any resits that you and your students need to do by the 10th October.

Important reminder

I have been informed that Julie has changed the date we change year 7 until after half term.
EVERYONE must have completed 7c and 7d. They must also have done and marked a test on this and handed all the results to Julie so we can reset them.