Tuesday, 11 December 2007

URGENT ; Year 11 and 10 predicted grades needed

Please could you fill in the predicted grades for your year 11 class who are sitting exams during January. This includes resits. I have printed off a sheet for you to return to me. It is now in your pigeon holes in the middle prep room.
I will use the data that you gave me for year 10 recently to complete the year 10 sheets.
Sorry about this but the examination board requires them before Christmas.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Yr 10 Foundation question 5

Part of question five did not photocopy well and thus can not be counted for analysis.
It is part b and is worth three marks.
I think if we all say everyone obtained 2 marks to the total for question 5b it would be fair on average over all the groups.
So please assume that the candidate obtain 2 marks for 5b.
Sorry about the mistake.

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Yr 10 and 11 mocks

Could you all please put data into a spreadsheet to help both yourselves and the department analyse the results from this exam.
The spreadsheet is currently with me and on the mid prep room computer. It will be on the intranet on Monday in the folder
\\runnymede\staffdata$\Staff_ftp\Department and Subject information\Subject Teams\Science
Just pick your class and input the data. Add any extra students. The program will work out the totals and there is a grade boundary section for you to work out the grade.
Could you please pass the files back to me so I can add them all together and get an overview of the whole year.
This needs to be done by the 7th of January 2008.
Many Thanks

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Mock exams

The papers for the mock exams are

yr 10 B1,C1,P1 January 2007 paper.
2:00 Monday 10th of December

yr 11 B4,C4,P4 the specimen paper
2:00 Thursday 13th of December

Don't tell the students

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Space limit on intranet

Due to reaching my allocation on the intranet (2Gb) I have had to remove 754 MB of video files. If anyone else wants to put items on the intranet I think this is OK as we seem to have individual limits. I will try to find a useful storage space for the videos.

Monday, 12 November 2007

Change of file location on intranet

\\runnymede\staffdata$\Staff_ftp\Department and Subject information\Subject Teams\Science

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Yr 11 doing yr 10 coursework

Here are the dates that we decided to do for the coursework catchup sessions. We still need to fill a few sessions. Don't forget to tell your pupils to come.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

New resources on the intranet

Please let me know if you want me to add any resources to the intranet. (You can also add them yourself)

Monday, 29 October 2007

Test base 2007/8 has arrived

You can download it from http://www.testbase.co.uk/downloads and use the code I have given you or collect the CD from me and sign your name on the white board if you have borrowed it.

21st Century June 2007 Grade boundaries (2)

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Saturday, 13 October 2007

School intranet keeps changing.

Look on the science area

RESOURCES departmental > all the deal sheets etc
TRACKING students > current data and set lists
SOW > some sow with all the resources

Investigations in Core Science

Here are some pdf links
Twenty First Century Science Suite Teacher Support
and amendments
Marking Criteria for Case Studies (A219)

21s C specification.

Core Science specification (pdf)
Additional Science specification (pdf)

Department Meeting (Mon 15 October)

  1. Coursework for year 10 and 11
    1. Questions

i. What skills to be tested?

ii. Exemplar material?

iii. Give more than one opportunity

iv. Options

1. Staff pick experiments from modules > do

2. Identify suitable experiments from modules > everyone does the same

    1. Timescales

i. All Coursework

1. Aim to complete by February half term.

ii. yr 11 redoing year 10 coursework

1. Wb 29 October > hand back coursework

2. end of that week each resit either resubmit or new title and start again.

3. Wb 5th Nov > sessions organised

4. Wb 3rd Dec > Cousework done

  1. H&S
  2. Afl
  3. Sharing good practice
  4. Blog
  5. Coming up
    1. Mock SAT paper for exam (5th Nov)
    2. Year 7 > Test and regroup > what next?
  6. GATE > any comments
  7. SEF
  8. Next meeting Monday 5th November.
    1. Coursework catch up sessions
    2. Any extra items?

Formative assesment video from Teachers TV


some formative assesment sites


Teaching and learning in the classroom (Dept SEF)


marking rotation

Note week 3 MorE should be replaced by self or peer assesment

Marking policy

A section of the Ofsted lesson criteria

School SEF

  • Science is improving (70% level 5+) but level 6+ could be higher (25%)
  • Science has the 6+ project to deal with this.
  • The use of peer and self-assessment is developing.
  • Department SEFs are being developed.
  • Target setting in order to raise achievement has been introduced.

Schools 3 priorities 2007/8

  • AfL focus on WILFs. Skills, knowledge and understanding; refer back to WILFs in the lesson, use plenaries to asses progress, plan to challenge.
  • Formative Marking. Give next steps; plan time for student responses; use marking to give praise encouragement and rewards.
  • Student Engagement. Use open questioning; use peer and self assessment; use data to raise expectations; encourage independent learning.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Thanks for your resit information.

This has now been forwarded to Ros who needs to send it to the exam board before half term.

The Science department welcome OFSTED

Next Tuesday and Thursday we welcome OFSTED

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Exam information needed.

I have put exam sheets in all your pigeon holes which I need back by Thursday. See notice board in middle prep room for more details. Thanks

Year 11 mock exams 2007

Monday, 8 October 2007

year 11 resits from yr 10 exams needed

Please give me any resits that you and your students need to do by the 10th October.

Important reminder

I have been informed that Julie has changed the date we change year 7 until after half term.
EVERYONE must have completed 7c and 7d. They must also have done and marked a test on this and handed all the results to Julie so we can reset them.

Sunday, 30 September 2007

yr 10 and 11 exam dates 2007/8

Science A: Unit 1 (B1, C1, P1) 15-Jan-08
Science A: Unit 2 (B2, C2, P2) 18-Jan-08
Science A: Unit 3 (B3, C3, P3) 21-Jan-08

Additional Science A: Unit 1 (B4, C4, P4) 23-Jan-08
Aditional Science A: Unit 2 (B5, C5, P5) 25-Jan-08
Additional Science A: Unit 3 (B6, C6, P6) 29-Jan-08

Biology A: Unit 1 (B1, B2, B3) 15-Jan-08
Biology A: Unit 2 (B4, B5, B6) 23-Jan-08

Science A: Unit 4 (Ideas in Context) 12-May-08
Science A: Unit 2 (B2, C2, P2) 05-Jun-08
Science A: Unit 3 (B3, C3, P3) 11-Jun-08
Science A: Unit 1 (B1, C1, P1) 23-Jun-08

Additional Science A: Unit 4 (Ideas in Context) 23-May-08
Additional Science A: Unit 1 (B4, C4, P4) 17-Jun-08
Additional Science A: Unit 2 (B5, C5, P5) 18-Jun-08
Additional Science A: Unit 3 (B6, C6, P6) 20-Jun-08

Biology A: Unit 3 (Ideas in Context plus B7) 21-May-08
Biology A: Unit 2 (B4, B5, B6) Higher 17-Jun-08
Biology A: Unit 1 (B1, B2, B3) 23-Jun-08

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

To all teachers of year 11

• Have a conversation with each member of the group and identify any module which they wish to resit.
• Make sure that each student has a case study/ Data analysis which is a grade above their target grade. I not they may redo/resubmit work in June 2008.
• Collect work for redoing from U20 anytime (Friday onwards) and give back to students to work on. The absolute deadline for resubmission is 15th of December 2007.
• Give a list of resits/resubmissions to me by Monday 1st October.


Sunday, 23 September 2007

Thursday, 20 September 2007

New yr 11 rotations

It is difficult to determine the speed that we can move through in year 11. It is essential that all groups have done all module 4s before the January exams. If some groups have done the 5s as well we could enter them also in January. We also need to do some practical coursework. I will talk more about this later.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Yr 7 MAJOR reorganization

Remember that before the 15th of October EVERYONE must have completed 7c and 7d. They must also have done and marked a test on this and handed all the results to Julie so we can reset them.

Friday, 14 September 2007

Class lists please

In order for the electronic registration to work efficiently we need you present class lists. It would be helpful if you indicated which pupils where different from the schools registration system. Could you please give KS3 lists to Julie and KS4 lists to Peter by the end of next week at the latest.

For those using U21

It is important that you do not log onto the computer itself. When that screen comes up press cancel.
If you are having problems with the computers you can shut it down and then restart it remembering not to log on to the computer but log onto the intranet.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Pupil Tracking data

Pupil Tracking data is now on the intranet at \Subject Folders\Science\TRACKING students

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

This site reminder


do not forget to look at older posts

KS3 rotations

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Calendar has been created (September)

This is the calender for September

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Year 11 information for September 2007

  • all of the groups have completed module B4.
  • MUST do C4, P4, and try to do the B5, C5, P5 before the January exams.
  • They will also need space before Christmas if at all possible to do their practical coursework.

Year 10 information for September 2007

Year 10 will need
  • a few lessons at the start of next year to finish the data analysis.
  • to have completed the C1, P2 modules, and possibly B2, C2, P2 before the exams in January.
  • this year they need to complete a case study.

Pictures of science outing

on the intranet in the folder \Subject Folders\Science\department info\Pictures

How to access intranet from home

Log onto this site
Then log in using your normal username and password.
Note you will probably be asked to do this twice.

KS3 lesson rotations are ready

These will be pinned up on the science notice board in the middle preproom. The first lesson with year 7 will be on Safety and bubbles then we all do 7c/7d. On the 15th of October we rearrange these groups so we all need to have completed 7c/7d before this date.
These are on the intranet at
Subject Folders\Science\department info
and the file is called Rota and info 20078.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Intranet update

To get to the intranet at school you now need to go through the desktop icon. Peter

Welcome message

Welcome to the Science Blog. This contains information about the science department that is easy and quick to read. Peter