- You can get full marks but you should only expect an A* pupil to do that.
- You can give them the question. eg "How can I slow down the rate of descent of an object?". They need to come up with the ideas on how to do that.
- Pupils can take work home. You need to verify that it is all their own work.
- You can double count the I and E strands from the Additional science investigation and use this for the core data analysis.
- You can give any generic help you like but you should not give specific help for that particular investigation. eg you can say "to get 6 marks you need to list all the factors involved" but you can't tell them to "look at width, surface area, type of wire or length".
- The whole class can do the same investigation or case study. The approach should be different though.
- Any background material or help given should be sent to the moderator.
- You need to annotate the coursework. Minumum of saying C(c)6.
- There is less scientific knowledge required compared to Sc1. eg for resistance of a wire talk about lenghth being similar to resistors in series rather than free electron theory from A level.
- No prediction is required like Sc1. You may like to have an introduction though.
- Redrafting is NOT allowed. You can look at the coursework and point out missed items but once it is marked you cannot give it back.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Feedback from investigation meetings (2007-2008)
I asked your questions when I was at these meetings. Here is a summary of the answers.