Thursday, 5 August 2010

Copy of email sent via school system

Yesterday I sent this email to all science staff via the school system. I am also posting it here just in case you did not access the school email.


I do hope everyone is having a great Holiday. I have just returned from the lakes. WOW SO Beautiful.
Sorry I have to talk about work.
I will be away from the 14th most of the time until we come back so I am trying to do a bit now.
Just a reminder of the KS4 HSW objectives, F&H 20min test paper and 1 long homework is needed

WV C1,B5
AMc C2,C3
ER C5, C6
LH C7, B7
CC P1, P7
JRo P3, P4
PL P5, P6
GB B2, B4
GL B3, B6

Thanks for those who have emailed me them. I hope to get them all together very soon. Everyone will be relying on them when we start teaching
Sorry but I especially need P1 and C1, thats Chris and Wayde, as we will start with these modules in year 10 as soon as we get back.
I will post what I have of the KS4 rotations on the web ASAP. Sorry but I have no information on timetables etc so there will be gaps in them.
Keep an eye on the blog because as soon as Julie or myself get info we will pass it on.
Continue to have a great holiday
Could you email just to say you received this as this is the first time I have emailed through this system.