Monday, 9 June 2008

Dedicated time to plan

We should ensure we all plan yr 11 SOW in these periods
Please meet for a brief (5-10 min meeting at the start of each period)

Tue 03 June period 2
Thu 12 June period 5
Tue 17 June period 2
Tue 1 July period 2

If you can't come please talk to myself or Julie to let us know where you are.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Yr 11 lesson planning

In our freed up time could we please work on the following modules. Set them out according to the lesson plan.

  • WH, WV > B4, B5
  • ARA, AMA, LH > C4, C5, C6
  • JRo, PL > P4, P5, P6
  • KS, GL > B6

Lesson Plan Document

Lesson plan template and instructions now on the intranet in the folder

\\runnymede\staffdata$\Staff_ftp\Department and Subject information\Subject Teams\Science\RESOURCES departmental\MAIN